14th Feb 2025 10:01 am

Our Parents' Association are launching a weekly fundraising lotto with the first draw taking place on Thursday 13th March.

See information below on how to register and enter below.

Please feel free to share with family and friends.

Thank you for your continued support for Presentation Milltown.


Enter our weekly lotto here ê 



Further information below ê


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30th Jan 2025 3:07 pm
n', Times, serif;font-size:18.6667px;">Our DES/Oide whole school training day previously scheduled for Friday 21st March has now been rescheduled for Thursday 8th May.

School will go ahead as normal on Friday 21st March.

School will be closed for students on Thursday 8th May.

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23rd Jan 2025 12:37 pm
argin:0px;text-align:center;">As instructed by the Department of Education the school will be closed tomorrow due to the red weather warning associated with Storm Éowyn.


School will reopen as normal on Monday 27th January.


Teachers have assigned work to students for the subjects they would normally be timetabled for on Fridays.


Please see below for communication from the Dept. of Education.





Met Éireann has issued a status red weather warning for the entire country


11am, Thursday 23 January 2025


Status Red Alert: Schools closed on Friday 24 January.


Due to the extreme nature of Storm Éowyn and the threat of multi-hazard weather events on Friday 24 January, Met Éireann has confirmed a red weather warning. Based on this, the National Emergency Coordination Group has advised that all primary and post-primary schools in red warning areas will close for the duration of the red warning.


While the red weather warnings are expected to end between 10am and 3pm on Friday in different counties, schools will remain closed on Friday. Travel is not possible during the red warning period. After the red warning expires, safety checks may be needed to assess whether any damage has occurred and to ensure the safety of school communities, and parents and the school community would need time to prepare to return to school. Because of these factors, concerns about safe transport and the unpredictable nature of the red warnings, the department recognises that it is not possible or practical for schools in red warning areas to open on Friday.


Safety Checks Following the Weather Event


In carrying out any safety checks of buildings and facilities, school authorities should take into account the current and expected weather conditions, any damage that might have been caused to school buildings overnight or at any time during the storm, and the safety of the school community.


In this context, schools should stay updated on the latest weather warnings, which are available on national and local news bulletins. It’s especially important to watch for any changes to the warning status in their area.


The department will continue to monitor the situation as it progresses and will follow any advice from the National Emergency Coordination Group.  


The Department of Education is grateful to school leaders, staff, students and the wider school community for their understanding and cooperation during this red weather warning and closure of schools.


We would like to express our gratitude to you for, as always, acting quickly in the interest of safety and communicating with your school communities at such short notice.  

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10th Jan 2025 10:52 am
ign:center;">As you may be aware our former Principal Sr. Canisius will be laid to rest on Saturday, with requiem mass starting at 1pm in The Sacred Heart Church, Milltown.

If your son/daughter is available to attend the requiem mass on Saturday we ask that they wear full school uniform and join us in a guard of honour outside the church after  mass as a sign of respect and appreciation for the dedication and commitment Sr. Canisius showed to students of Pres Milltown over the years.

In order to determine approximate numbers and adequately prepare for Saturday please email office@presmilltown.ie no later than 12pm TODAY if your son/daughter is available to attend.

Thank you.

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9th Jan 2025 1:09 pm
reann is that the expected thaw will now only commence tomorrow afternoon and roads/footpaths will continue to be extremely hazardous over the next 24 hours.

Therefore, in the interest of health and safety the school will remain closed tomorrow (Friday).

School will re-open on Monday 13th January for normal timetabled classes. 

(N.B. Please note our staff training day as per calendar for Monday 13th Jan has been postponed)

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9th Jan 2025 10:31 am
to rest on Saturday, with requiem mass starting at 1pm in The Sacred Heart Church, Milltown.

If your son/daughter is available to attend the requiem mass on Saturday we ask that they wear full school uniform and join us in a guard of honour outside the church after  mass as a sign of respect and appreciation for the dedication and commitment Sr. Canisius showed to students of Pres Milltown over the years.

In order to determine approximate numbers and adequately prepare for Saturday please email office@presmilltown.ie no later than 12pm on Friday if your son/daughter is available to attend.

Thank you.

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7th Jan 2025 10:42 pm
ight:inherit;font-size:14pt;font-family:'Times New Roman', Times, serif;margin:0cm 0cm 8pt;padding:0px;vertical-align:baseline;text-align:center;"> 
On Sunday we received the heartbreaking news that our beloved Sr Canisius had passed away.
Sr Canisus Collins was Principal of Presentation Milltown for 18 years before retiring in 2005.
Her dedication and commitment to the students and families of Presentation Milltown from the day she entered the school to long after her retirement was unquestionable.
Sr Canisius loved visiting the school in recent years. She was always keen to meet our students, many of whose parents and family members she would have taught. 
She joined us for mass and prayer services on many occasions throughout the year but particularly loved visiting the school on Presentation Day.
Presentation Day 2024 was particularly special to Sr Canisius as mass was celebrate by newly ordained former student Fr Sean Murphy. During the service Fr Sean noted the significant role Sr Canisius played in nurturing and strengthening his vocation to the priesthood.
As a school community we thank God for guiding Sr Canisius through her vocation from a young energetic woman entering the Presentation Order to the wise and insightful mentor that we will miss and mourn.
We thank God for the legacy of kindness, care, and compassion that she modelled and gifted us through our school ethos.
We ask you Lord to help us to continue to care for our students as she did, by living and modelling the values of Nano Nagle and the Presentation Sister daily.
We pray for the family of Sr. Canisius and her fellow Presentation Sisters who mourn her loss so deeply.
We pray that you will give them strength in these difficult days and provide them comfort in the knowledge that she is at peace in your care.
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam
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7th Jan 2025 8:43 pm
ff Training Day scheduled on the school calendar for Monday 13th January will be postponed.

School will go ahead as normal for students this Monday (13th).

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Further updates in relation to reopening after the extreme weather warnings/conditions will be issued on Thursday afternoon.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

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7th Jan 2025 4:37 pm
ing into consideration the extremely low temperature warnings and dangerous road conditions the school will remain closed tomorrow, Wednesday 8th January, and Thursday 9th January.

Conditions on-site and weather forecasts will be monitored over the coming 48 hours, and our aim is to be able to reopen the school on Friday. Updates will be posted via the school app.

Please know that decisions to close the school are not made lightly and are taken in relation to ensuring the health and safety of our students and staff.

Teachers will post work/guidance/support through TEAMS/Office 365 for students who are in a position to engage but we are fully aware that many homes are still without electricity and internet access so please do not worry if you are unable to access TEAMS. In such cases students are encouraged to use whatever copies/textbooks they may have at home to complete some individual study/revision during the next two days if possible.

We know that our 3rd & 6th Year students may be particularly anxious about this unforeseen closure. Rest assured that on re-opening our dedicated and committed teaching staff will work tirelessly to ensure that students are well prepared for both their Pre-Exams and their State Exams in June.

Students are familiar with logging into their Office 365 profile in school. Their usernames and passwords are the same as those they use to access school devices in class. If your son/daughter requires technical support accessing TEAMS/Office 365 please email office365support@presmilltown.ie

Please note that communication through the Office 365/TEAMS platforms is for students and teachers. Parental communication should be sent to office@presmilltown.ie in the normal way and the relevant person will get back to you as soon as is feasibly possible.

Thank you for your patience, support and cooperation. 

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6th Jan 2025 4:11 pm
consideration the continuing low temperatures and dangerous road conditions the school will remain closed again tomorrow, Tuesday 7th January.

Please know that decisions to close the school are not made lightly and are taken in relation to ensuring the health and safety of our students and staff.

Conditions on-site and weather forecasts will be monitored over the coming 24 hours and updates will be posted via the app.

Students are encouraged to use whatever copies/textbooks they have at home and/or subject resources on TEAMS to complete some individual study during this unforeseen closure if possible.

Thank you for your cooperation. 

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5th Jan 2025 3:31 pm
conditions the school will remain closed tomorrow, Monday 6th January. 

School will reopen on Tuesday 7th January unless notified otherwise. Thank you for your cooperation. 

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20th Dec 2024 2:30 pm
, sans-serif;font-size:14pt;">Wishing all our students and their families a happy and peaceful Christmas.

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16th Dec 2024 2:51 pm
hool under the supervision of a teacher from 4.15pm - 6.15pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and 1.30pm - 3.30pm on Wednesday.

Enrolment to Term 2 & 3 of Supervised Study is now available via the school app. Payments can be made on the school app in 6 equal monthly instalments or in one lump sum.

Priority is given to 6th and 3rd year students who have returned forms and payment by the specified date.

Students must make a commitment to attend every evening including Friday.

It is the responsibility of parents/guardians to ensure your son/daughter attends study each evening. Attendance can be checked on VSware.

Please note that, due to health and safety reasons, there will not be a break midway during study.



€400 from 6th January to 23rd May

Payment can be made in full or in 6 equal monthly instalments.


Please note that a place will only be allocated when the following have been submitted to the school office,

  • Completed application form (Click “View Pdf” below).


  • Print out of app receipt or a part payment receipt.


Please contact the school office if there are any difficulties in relation to this payment.


Please note that study will not take place on the following days. These days have deducted from the price outlined above in advance:

           Term 2 & 3

  • Monday 13th January
  • Monday 3rd February
  • Monday 17th March
  • Friday 21st March
  • Monday 5th May


[These dates are subject to change]



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